
30 Day challenge a.k.a. what happens when you're running on empty during hell week.

So this week is Hell Week.
For those of you not in college, out of college for a long time or who haven't reached college yet, hell week is the last week of a semester, before finals period starts. Why hell week? Because it's the week that every class has every last thing due and throws about ten thousand tests at you.

Ok, maybe not ten thousand tests. But I do have a test in every class.

So coming out of my first hell week test feeling pretty decent, and not having access to what I need to complete my next due assignment, I was running around the internet.

haha. That was a funny image in my head. Running around the internet....

Ok ok. Shut up. Stop laughing at me. I'm sleep deprived and caffeine deficient while at work.

Anyway, I came across my friend Allison's tumblr, when I came across this 30 day challenge.

And needing something non-school related to maintain my sanity, I decided to go for it. So staring tomorrow, look for my lovely responses to these 30 questions in 30 days.

Adieu for now.


A life without direction and a comparison that makes me look like a complete nerd.

Like most people around the winter holidays, I've found myself in a bit of a dragging and depressing rut. Only instead of it being a short term thing, it's been going for more than a while now.

So how has this depression affected me? To the outside world it hasn't seemed to at all. Mainly because I've gone through it quite a bit before. I'm interacting as minimally as possible, though still cordial and relatively normal. I have moments of normalcy. I'm great at joking and passing it off cavalier as possible (As in this post).

But lets face it. All in all things aren't all too normal. I constantly need sleep when it didn't use to be a problem. I never want to leave my bed. I lack much of an appetite. I agree to do things for the sake of it but I never really enjoy myself all that much. I don't really know what I like or don't, or what I want to do for that matter.

But most of all. I have no motivation. Like seriously. I only do things I feel like when I feel like. I'm worse than a child. It's like a rat in a skinner box. Instant gratification.

The figure below demonstrates what I'm talking about.

In some rat related experiments done by skinner and other psych professionals, rats are given an option of levers, one would dispense food while the other would stimulate the brain to an affect much like orgasm. In most cases the rat would constantly press the lever for orgasm, undergoing starvation.

Guess which lever I'm pressing (I'll give you a hint. It's not the food lever)
So maybe it doesn't mean constant orgasm. Trust me I kind of wish it did. But I only do what immediately amuses me. In other words its quite a struggle to do my homework, to go to class, etc.

But it sucks. So that's a bit on my life right now blog readers.
A life sans much direction.
Are any of the rest of you going through this? How're you dealing with your quarterlife crisis (Or are you fortunate enough not to have one?) ? What do you do for motivation?


Harry Potter 7 Part 1. Or Why my University is better than yours!

My excitement is the highest its ever been when I've had so much work to do. I say this because I have a 10 pages due @ 5 tomorrow. Plans for 4 tomorrow. And I only have maybe two pages.

So why excited.
I have a ticket for Harry Potter tonight.

So now you're all "BAD IDEA. YOU HAZ PAPER DUE."
Well, you're wrong.

It's a great idea.
Because it's for an 8 pm showing.

Yes, I will be seeing Harry Potter before most of you. #insertbragginghere

And its better than midnight because not only do I get to see it early, but it gives me the ability to pull an all nighter for this paper. #prioritieswhatpriorites

So my wonderful wonderful school got a substantial amount of tickets for pre-showings negotiated with our nearest movie theatre. So this also means I'll be seeing it with a big group of people that I know and love and we can be cray cray as possible.

Yes. I just used cray cray. Yes I'm sleep deprived.

I'm so behind on this paper because I've had about 50 bagillion things due between when it was assigned and now. So I didn't get a head start like I wanted.
At least my research is done? <---bad attempt at optimism.

But you know what? Eff subjective well-being and its relation to extraversion.

I'm subjectively well-beinnnngg..?
Because I'm happy dammit.

I get to see Harry Potter. :D