
It's a coffee and tea sort of day.

I think I have a cold.

[Yes. That's me. Drinking my tea. Out of a starbucks mug. Also, if something looks off its cause I dyed my hair.]
I woke up this weekend with a tickle in my throat. Tuesday, it was full on throat scratchiness so I went on an emergency tea and OJ run. Which is saying something. Because I hate OJ and I'm not a big tea advocate either.

But between downing the two consistently, trying not to overstress myself (or, I should say, trying to limit it as much as possible), and everything else, I still managed to get sick.

So yes. Little old me is sitting here, studying for a test, stressing over meetings and deadlines and all. Drinking my tea. Wishing I had coffee (had some earlier). Sniffling, coughing and sneezing all in between.
Damn cold.

My mom thinks I sound cute. I think I sound retarded.

So darlings, Fall is here. The season of beautiful weather, crisp air, HALLOWEEN, harvest, warm drinks, seasonal flavorings, colds and flus, and new beginnings. How do you maintain your fall cheer? How about when you're feeling a bit sneezy...?