
My oh-so blonde apartment moments and making tough decisions.

I swear if my life were a tv show, people would be curled up in balls on their couch laughing, with their sides hurting from the constant hilarity of the dumb things I do.
Honestly, I don't plan it.
And most of them aren't really dumb persay as my luck is just hilarious and ironic.

For example:
I was hungry the other day and decided to be semi-healthy and make a baked potato. So I cleaned it and poked the holes in it, etc. BUT. When I got to the microwave there was no baked potato button.

Yes I'm spoiled. My microwave at home has a button specifically for baked potatoes.

Well, this didn't deter me. I was like NO FEAR! MAYBE THERE'S INSTRUCTIONS (in a heroic voice...ok no not really).

Nonetheless, I found the instructions on the inner door of the microwave. But yet again, no reference to baked potatoes.

Well Phooey.
So I kind of played it by ear.
Well, potatoes are vegetables.
So I clicked the push vegetables button.
I expected options of the kind.
Oh well, I thought. But then, it asks me ounces.
First off, what, do I have a scale in my kitchen? How am I supposed to know the ounces of potatoes? I don't even know how to vaguely guess-timate ounces. I could step on a scale with the potato and subtract my weight. Oh wait, no scale, I'm in an apartment, not my actual house.
So I put 5. Because hell if I know the weight of the potato. I can't even look at people and tell you how tall they are. I know a lot of people who can give you an estimate of height and weight by looking at a person. Nope, not me. Everyone looks freaking tall to me.

Needless to say this potato cooking failed and I made mac and cheese instead. Because even I can't screw that up.
(Note: I am actually good at cooking. I'm great with complicated dishes. Just not simple things where I only have to press like, two buttons).

To add to these adventures, I didn't buy a can opener when I went shopping because I was like "Psh, I don't eat anything that comes in cans."
Well, that was half true.
I don't, but some of the ingredients I use in the stuff I make comes in cans. Poo.
So I realize this as I'm cooking one of said dishes. And no can opener.
So after attempts at stabbing can with steak knife and using a box cutter, I finally succeeded.

With a hammer and screwdriver. Because I'm too lazy to return to the store and clearly being barbaric is a better option.

I've also realized that I don't really fall in the list v. no-list fight for shoppers very well. I know a lot of people who go to the store without a list. Some succeed and many go for milk and return with gum and candy instead. I don't do that.
By the same notion, I know people like my mom, who sit at the kitchen table right before they go and make a list without looking in the pantry. And make a very long and efficient one in order of where everything is in the store.

Yeah, I'm not that skilled either.
I make a list and add to it as I think of things.
The problem is I'm not always near said list when I think of things.
So I forgot a trash can, and chilis, and salad mix, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

I must be secretly blonde...oh wait, I am. Hahahah.

In other news, I made a tough choice today/last night. You all know I've mentioned being in something of a quarter life crisis. And I decided to healthily make good choices and try try try to move forward and past it, I must say goodbye too someone I was dearly trying to hold on to. Someone I really care about, albeit probably more than they deserve. We swore we'd try to stay friends but I'm tired of putting the effort forth and feeling like its just on my end that effort as being put. So I bought a small token. Something of a "Good luck abroad, I wish you well but Goodbye you can't be in my life" sort of thing. I don't know what to expect or what this'll do to him. I don't even know what I would do to me on my end. But here's to hoping its what I need.

1 comment:

Simply Valorie said...

You should have called me about the baked potato thing! My room mate TOTALLY made one yesterday in the microwave and rocked it. WITHOUT a baked potato button. I KNOW. She's cool.

As for the boy thing -- good for you. :) I know it's hard, but even you know it's for the best.