
Having my own place, Why I'm the kind of person who keeps busy and little realizations.

Hi hi blog people. :D

So it's obviously been a while. But here's what you've missed. Or rather why I've missed you.

Firstly, I'm (FINALLY) done with my job. I have the option to go back to it since I'm a seasonal worker, but for now, I'm done. No more.

For those of you who don't know me IRL, all you need to know is I worked in retail, at the clearance center of a high end store (Thus not really clearance-y). And trust me, even the clearance centers of such stores are still pretty ridiculous.

I enjoyed it for the most part, but dear lord did I miss school.

Speaking of which, I'm in HOUSTON, in my OWN apartment (well, I have a roommate, but she hasn't officially moved in/started staying here yet). It's pretty sweet and this is my excitement.

It's sepia because the lighting in this place SUCKS right now. 'Specially because it's night and all and I have lamps on.

Anywho. The place isn't entirely furnished yet. Like we have a coffee table for eating on, a tv. I have a bed and desk. But yeah. Still missing things like A COUCH (roomie is supposed to bring that sometime this week). So my butt hurts. Cause I'm writing this on the floor of the dining area next to the tiny poorly stocked kitchen.

I really need to not be broke so I can buy full on groceries. Because I never realized that A. I eat a lot and B. I like variety in my food.

Speaking of things I've never realized, a few have come to my attention.
1. My last boyfriend had me kind of spoiled. No details on that one sorry.
2. I'm so ridiculously NOT over that one like I thought I was.
3. Thank God for him being abroad all year.
4. I'm more paranoid than I thought.
5. I can get away with a lot more than I thought.
6. Despite considering myself into fashion, I am MISSING a lot of what I would consider essential pieces to a solid outfit. You know, solid v-necks, day dresses, belts, cardigans. The works.

About that last one.
People are always like "OH.EM.GEE You're always so stressed/calm down/do less."
Well, I figured out why I always over-book myself.
I don't know what to do myself when not busy.
Like for serious.
I complained a lot this summer about working full time and not having time for other shit, but I realize it was soo much better than being bored all summer.
Because really all I did today was work out, eat, and try to figure out how to entertain myself via interwebs. And all it's done is make me restless.

So what if when term starts I'm taking 17 hours, am secretary of a club, helping coordinate one of the biggest events on campus, aiming for a 4.0, studying for the GRE, playing intramurals, applying for more scholarships/internships, mentoring underprivledged high-schoolers and volunteering on the side?

Yeah. And looking for a small job.

At least I'm busy. And I enjoy myself.

Today, I tried to bring myself to unpack.
I planned color coordination for my dining room.
I tried to write. But I'm lacking inspiration right now and I can only write so much without knowing where to go with it.
I swept and vacuumed, dusted, and got things ready for when school starts.
I did my yoga, made coffee, got a free coffee, took a walk, and worked out twice.

It blows.

So all of you guys should come up with projects for me to do (other than finish unpacking), so I can be un-bored.

I'm off to go make a third dinner.

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