
Words of Wisdom

People surprise me sometimes.

I was given excellent words of wisdom from my friend Eddie, after I told him about an encounter between me and the "friend" in my trust post that didn't go well.

He told me this:
Sometimes the best thing to do is ignore people who claim to be your friends like that [this is in respect to a few people we know actually]. Be civil, but don't go beyond that. You have bigger things to worry about. And if he notices this and cares, then make a point to him that he has to do something about it.

He also said:
We may come off as cold or anti-social people because we don't run up to other faking happiness to meet them or asking to be their friends immediately. That's what it is, fake. We keep to ourselves rather than fake things to suck up, seem cool or be able to ask favors later. And later on, when we get to know people and they really need someone, we're there for them. When they need us we're warm. True warmth is warmth when you actually care, warmth when it counts. Not warmth for show. Because those people tend to be the ones who let you down.

Oddly enough, this all cheered me up. Things still aren't peachy and I'm still not sure what to do about that friend of mine, mainly because he's so important to me. But I think this might be a step in the right direction.

1 comment:

Simply Valorie said...

That's good advice. I'll be keeping that in mind.