
"I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me, Papa-Paparazzi."

Title today is a Lady Gaga song, and honestly probably my favorite one. Just so catchy. It's been stuck in my head a while.

So this morning while I was doing my daily get-ready routine, I had a blog idea, but now I really can't remember what it was! Which proves of course, that I either need to write things down more, or just get a better memory. Overall though, I figured I needed to post anyway, so I figured I'd cover a few things instead of just one.

In the news today: For one, there was a shooting at the Holocaust Memorial Museum today. Apparently the guy is a white supremacist that denies it happened. One security guard died (RIP. I feel bad for the family). I really don't know much more of it other than the guy having a history of being a bit of a nut job. But this kind of ties along with something I'm working on that I'll touch later.

Also, FINALLY! Carrie Prejean lost the Miss California crown. I love the stupidity of the program. They don't fire her over topless photos or joining groups blatanly against her contract, but they fire her over...wait...what was it again? CONTRACT VIOLATIONS. Apparently she's not keeping up with her public appearances so NOW they fire her. Idiots. I love how she got to keep her crown despite topless photos while Vanessa Williams was forced to give hers up years ago for the same thing. It sounds so bitchy to celebrate this but it really just isn't right that she got to be an exception to that rule that's ruined things for so many others. And of course she had the audacity to act like a "target" for all the shit she was getting from the media for joinging the anti-gay marriage group saying they were attacking her views when she clearly did violate her contract and that's what they were pointing out. I'm just glad she's out. Though I expect she'll be around in the news some more.

That's it on my news updates. In other news, yesterday was pretty fun. I chilled with Valorie and Kevin and various other C-ville and G-vine friends at Buon Giorno's for open mic, which was fun. After Rie and I drove around aimlessly blasting pretty awesome summer playlist music. That's really what summer is all about. I have work at 1 tomorrow, which is much better than 10. And I'm really really hoping that other place (Maybee New York, the clothing store across from Group USA) hires me for sure, because it means more money, less time at home bored, and a FIXED schedule. I really hope working a lot won't be too bad.

Here's how things are going as far as my projects:
1. I'm gathering newspaper headlines about war, violence and other world troubles (Much like what happened with the Holocaust Museum Shooting). I'm going to try to do a Peace Sign, probably paper mache style, but I'm not sure yet. But if anyone has headlines they want to give me from a paper or magazine that'd be awesome. I'm going to extend this project to other media and might do stuff with household items for jewelry and clothes, but this is it for now. More to come.

2. I'm expanding my music collection. Suggestions are very welcome. I'll even extend this to CDs and books.

3. If anyone hits up a starbucks that still prints the inspiration shit on the back of the cups, if you could rinse and save those for me, that'd be awesome as well. That's another project.

4. I NEED MORE PICTURES. I know I always say I hate them, but ignore me because I always regret not having them.

5. I've been working more on the meditation and yoga. If anyone has any suggestions for more spiritual related stuff like this, I'd love to hear them.

6. Still working/need to work on Spanish/Orgo/ maybe Mech? Ew.

7. I'm working on my room. More to come on that.

Things I've done lately
1. Worked
2. Hung Out with Valorie
3. Cleaned
4. Gathered Headlines for my project.
5. Meditated
6. Did some of that school work
7. Blogged
Things for tomorrow/the new future
1. Work
2. Be social?
3. Work more on my project and start the new ones
4. Do more web design and prep for all the shit I'll have to do in the school year.
5. More Schoolwork
6. Find a book/song that's inspiring
7. Write
9. Take Pictures
10. Blog
11. Work on my room
12. Organize
13. And lucky 13? Inspire someone.

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