

I really wanted to write about something inspiring today. In fact, this morning I was feeling better than I have lately [Fuck you Bipolar disorder], and was thinking about relatively happy inspiring things while walking to Coffeehouse before starting my work.

But now that I've gotten here, where I actually can write, I have nothing truly inspiring to write about. I'm more than a little disappointed. I write about my life on here, but I also want to be able to share things that are important to me or that I think need notice.

And since my life has been pretty uneventful and depressing (ok, maybe not uneventful, but still...) I just haven't been able to write much.

Have you guys ever felt a complete lack of inspiration, or even lost inspiration you thought you had? What do you do to fix this? I want to be able to maintain these small "up" moods while I can.


Katie Patzke said...

I used to be the same way. I felt that I could only write when I wanted to rant, or it just so happened that my "passionate" moods centered around bad. And then happiness would come, and I'd say, "Well, fuck...what to write about now?"

You just kind of have to search and find something you are happy AND passionate about, and finding meaning within it. I don't have more advice than that. :/

Simply Valorie said...

Yeah, I feel that way all the time. It drives me crazy.