
On why I need a pet, and the nearing of summer vacation.

I've been feeling rather deprived lately.

I've always noted I had a deprived childhood. I went to the beach for the first time this year, as well as ice skating. I've never been go karting or driven a bumper car.

I've also never had a pet.

I guess it's kind of hard to believe, especially in a society where people cry more over the death of a pet than a death of a person (I'll post about this in the near future, it's what I call the "I am legend phenomenon"), but my mom hates cats and my dad hates dogs, so obviously we're not much of an animal friendly family.

But I always hear people really emphasize the notion of man's best friend. People love their pets and seek them for comfort sometimes unaccomplished by human companions. A pet won't criticize you and your darkest thoughts, wildest dreams or deepest desires. A pet will always listen and cuddles on a bad day.

I've always said I'd get a bunch of cats and name them after writers, and a lot of dogs and name them after significant literary characters. It kind of started as a joke. But I'm starting to feel the need for at least one. A nice little kitten to sit in my lap on gloomy days with wine and a book.

With summer nearing and no definite plans in sight, I'm thinking this might be necessary. College friends will be in their various locations. High school ones are non-existant or are leaving me to go out of the country (-cough-Valorie-cough-) or won't be home long.

Fuck it all. I'm just going to put a cat in my closet and hope my mom doesn't go in there. That'll go great!

'Til next time.

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