
"I'm gonna live and live now

Get what I want, I know how
One roll for the whole she-bang
One throw, that bell will go clang
Eye on the target and wham
One shot, one gun, and bam
Hey Mr. Arnstein, here I am"
-Don't Rain On My Parade -Barbara Streisand

I came to my 2nd year of college with expectations: more knowledge and assuredness of the path I was on, more interesting subjects, new friends, a relationship and more experiences.

Boy was I wrong.

Nothing really went as planned. I changed majors from the one I'd been sure of since Freshman year of high school to one that had just been a hobby. I lost interest. I didn't really "change friends" per say so much as didn't get the chance to see them because we began frequenting different scenes. I lost my best friend (and love-interest) at Rice. But I seem to have found a new one (best friend. Not so much on the love interest though. More of an inconvenient attraction really).

But I'm not disappointed.

Well, not really.
I mean, life rarely if ever lives up to our expectations. And while I'm sad I lost my best friend and that I'm leaving the familiarity of what I thought would be my life. But I don't think i regret it. Because life changes for a reason right? And it opened up my eyes a lot. Mainly to the fact that I was letting things happen rather than making them happen.

So I'm going to live and live now.

Well, enough about my life. Here's some recent things and my thoughts on them:

1) Adam Lambert's new CD is AWESOME! Highly suggest it.
2) I love Love Actually. :) Just thought I'd throw that in there. SOOOO GOOOD.
3) So my friend Zach and I have creepily similar taste in Pandora stations. But we suggest: The Strokes, Ace of Base and 3oh!3. I also suggest Glee and Madonna.
4) Same Zach convinced me to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with him (OMG Johnny Depp looks fucking weird as a fat bald guy). Anywho, fucked up movie, but very interesting. Gives good insight into gonzo journalism. And I need to buy the book (I may read it before I give it away as Zach's christmas present....). If you need proof to see/read this, remember it influence Avenged Sevenfold's song "Bat Country."
5) So Thursday nights are something like 50 cent or so for boneless wings at B-dubs (Buffalo Wild Wings). We go almost every Thursday and it is crazy fun.
6) Try Starbucks' Creme Brulee Latte (Shameless plug)
7) I love love love Christmas shopping and giving Christmas gifts.

On Further Note:
I want to come up with a few new year's resolutions / life changing things to do. I'm going to really try doing this whole "Act, don't react" thing and change my life and hopefully other people's lives.

So if you have suggestions let me know.

I'll try to blog again soon. :)

1 comment:

Simply Valorie said...

As for "Act, don't react," I've actually found that that 101 in 1001 forces me to do that a little. Not in a huge sense like you probably want/need, but it's a starting point. :)