
101 in 1001

So I've been thinking about doing this for a while, but Valorie's reminder in response to my first new blog in a while encouraged me to finally do it. Though it's pretty minor I count this as my first step to the "action rather than reaction" policy I hope to adopt.

So, the mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in 1001 days. The tasks must be quantifiable, with a clear definition and end. They also have to be a stretch, nothing too easy (like blink 100 times in a day). They have to represent some effort on your part. Do YOU accept?

Start: December 16, 2009

End: September 11, 2012

In progress



1. Finish my bachelors degree

2. Take two random courses with friends that I normally wouldn’t try (0/2)

3. Sit in on a class at another university.

4. Read five books on philosophy/thought/perception (0/5)

5. Teach someone something

6. Intern somewhere

7. Apply to grad school

8. Read three different best 100 Greatest Novels of all time (Some overlap, and I’m re-reading ones I don’t remember) Time (11/100) Modern Library Board (12/100) Modern Library Readers(18/100)

9. Learn more Spanish

10. Take the jeopardy test

11. Take part/have a major role in a research experiment

12. Have a learning experience abroad


13. Lear Guitar better

14. Learn another instrument

15. Take another dance course

16. Get published in some form

17. Do at least one thing design related (newspaper, website, magazine)

18. Get at least 100 pages into a novel

19. Try three different types of art

20. Finish my current writing journal

21. Create a spontaneous journal

22. Make a scrapbook

23. Make a collage

24. Design an outfit (Sew it and all)

25. Blog twice a week

26. Learn to knit

27. Knit three scarves (0/3)

28. Write a song


29. Go Abroad again

30. Go to Boston or Seattle

31. Go to D.C.

32. Go on a road trip

33. Spontaneously drive somewhere

34. Go Camping

Acts of kindness

35. Leave a surprise of a stranger

36. Pick up someone’s coffee tab

37. Donate my hair

38. Do an angel tree angel on my own

39. Do something over-the-top for my mom

40. Donate old things to good will

41. Leave an inspiring note

42. Fifteen random acts of kindness (0/15)


43. Finish AFI’s Top 100 Movies (35/123) (They redid the list recently) and other tops

a. Laughs (10/100)

b. Thrills (26/100)

c. Passions (24/100)

d. Musicals (12/25)

e. Cheers (18/100)

f. 10 Top 10 (33/100)

44. Watch 3 foreign films (0/3)

45. Attend a symphony event

46. Go to the opera

47. Go to three new museums

48. See a new play

49. See 10 Indie films (0/10)

50. Attend two cultural festivals (0/2)

51. Find 5 new (unknown) artists that I completely like (0/5)

52. Go to a poetry/art/ presentation gallery

53. Attend an upscale event

54. Go to three openings/premiers (0/3)


55. Go two weeks as a vegetarian

56. Take a yoga class

57. Practice Karate for three months

58. Meditate at least twice a day for 6 months

59. Go a week without coffee

60. Workout every other day for 3 months

61. Go climbing three more times

62. Cook five new things (0/5)

63. Go a month without fighting with my dad (0/31 days)

64. Try getting up earlier than necessary for two months

65. Run once a week

66. Go on a longer run with my dad


67. Go stargazing three times (0/3)

68. Buy and finish an origami book

69. Fly a kite

70. Go on a picnic

71. Go to a muse concert

72. Go to another techno concert

73. Cook and bake a meal for someone

74. Garden/ grow something for three months

75. Send 10 things to postsecret (0/10)

76. Drive spontaneously somewhere and spend three days there

77. Get a tattoo (and/or another piercing, it can be a bonus if I do both)

78. Let someone give me a makeover of sorts

79. Let someone convince me to do something (drastic) that I wouldn’t normally do

80. Take five pictures a week

81. Make 10 people mix cds with music they wouldn’t normally try (0/10)

82. Make something unique/innovative

83. Watch two sunrises in unique places (0/2)

84. Watch two sunsets in unique places (0/2)

85. Talk to/meet/make friends with a guy I find interesting/attractive

86. Go paintballing

87. Play lasertag

88. Shoot a gun

89. Go to the arcade

90. See a beach

91. See a mountain

92. See a foot of snow

93. Finish the beer pong table of beer caps with the boys

94. Go Sailing

95. Do a puzzle (Sudoku/crosswork/etc) once a week

96. Send 25 letters via snail mail to friends (0/25)

97. Go to a drive-in

98. Ride a motorcycle

99. Attend a protest

100. Celebrate day of the dead

101. Have a real new years celbration

I've already started. Wish me luck! :)

1 comment:

Simply Valorie said...

For #3, come visit me at TAMU this semester (if I stay) and sit in on my criminology class. I've been told it's ridiculously interesting. And if you want to work for the BAU, it's right up your alley. :)