
"I had a dream" , "And so did I." , "What was yours?", "That dreamers often lie..."

Every time I hear that quote, it brings so many thoughts to my head.

For anyone who wonders, that's from Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo and Mercutio are talking right before the Capulet party. I re-watched both the '67 and Baz Luhrman versions of the play recently so they're fresh in my head.

I don't know if it makes anyone else think. But I know it makes me think. It makes me wonder how many of us are honest about our dreams. Or whether in our dreams is the only time we're honest.

I'm big into dream interpretation. And I know a lot of people think its bogus. But I can't shake off the feeling that there's something more to them...

I wish I could be more consistent with my dream journal. I'm going to work on that.

My thoughts have led me elsewhere of course. To relationships.
Not just romantic ones. I'm not desperate for a boy or anything.
But I've been realizing. Realizing how there's so few people I can tolerate from high school. How so many of them ended up in schools where they see mostly each other and have few new friends.

I feel so lucky because I've met so many new people. SO many new friends. But at the same time, I feel so out of the loop. Not un-liked, persay, but just left out, because I hang out with many groups instead of one.

To me, it roots from eclecticism. It's part of being into a lot of everything. The fact of the matter is, I have my moods. Sure some of it is part of being bipolar. But a lot of it is having many passions. And honestly, I'm not going to hang with a certain group of friends if I'm not in a certain mood. I imagine it probably seems rude or what not to some people, but hanging with them when I'm not in the right mood won't make anyone happy.

And of course, the ever popular topic of boys. I can't deny I'm scared and even lonely at times. But I'm not miserable. Part of me just wants a solid and longer than two month relationship. Something to encourage me and to help me feel that there's nothing wrong with me. Something to keep my hopes up. Because I'm so afraid. Afraid of not finding someone, of not getting married. Of not having those kids I dream of.

It definitely all comes full circle doesn't it?
Dreams to thoughts and back to dreams.

In the words of Edgar Allan Poe: "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."

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